lunes, 4 de abril de 2011

types of invertion

Escoja una de los 4 tipos de inversión que te ofrece InverTaxi - Foto 1



Instrument of short-term description externo.Se sector can be defined as the registrationof transactions with Central Bank international reserves assets and other liabilities andforeign assets short and medium term. Since these values ​​are the availability of liquidity in foreign currency the central bank can also be said that the exchange balance is a cash foreign currency of such institution.
Part of the balance of payments that records transactions only goods from one countryto the rest of the world during a given period
Account a country's external sector.
Institution that performs financial intermediation, taking money from some economicagents (deposits), to give it on loan to other operators (credits). that is traded on the stock.
Financial institution of social charity and limited territorial scope.CANON (ROYALTY, TAX)Periodic cash benefit governmental taxing a concession or enjoyment in the public domain.CAPITAL (CAPITAL, CAPITAL STOCK)Resources, goods and values ​​available at a given moment to satisfy future needs. Ie, capital owned is capable of generating an income. It is one of the three main elements required to produce a few good or service.CAPITAL (WORKING CAPITAL)Difference between assets and liabilities of a company.VENTURE CAPITAL (VENTURE CAPITAL)Funds that an investor takes place in companies, transactions or high-risk instruments to achieve the same performance on more than the current.CAPITAL FIXED (FIXED ASSETS)Investment, usually the owners of stocks and bonds, other capital, partly by pr

the activity


What is inflation
Inflation is the continued growth and general price of goods and services and productive factors in an economy over time. Other definitions explain how the persistent upwardmovement in the general level of prices and declining purchasing power of money.

Inflation is the continued growth and general price of goods and services and productive factors in an economy over time.

In practice, the evolution of inflation is measured by the change in the Consumer PriceIndex (CPI). To understand the phenomenon of inflation, one must distinguish betweengeneralized price increases that occur once and forever, those price increases that arepersistent over time. Within the latter can also make a distinction regarding the degree of magnification. There are countries where inflation is controlled under 10% annualaverage inflation that others do not exceed 20% annually and countries in which pricegrowth has exceeded 100% annually. When the price variation reaches 50% a month is called hyperinflation.

nflation, as an economic phenomenon has causes and effects. The definition of its causes is not a simple matter because the general increase in prices often becomes a circular complex mechanism of which is not easy to determine the factors driving the price increase. This difficulty in determining the causes of inflation, has been the driving force behind a number of different test theoretical explanations of the inflationary processes. Explanatory theories generally fall into three categories. On one side are those who consider inflation as an explanation of excess aggregate demand, or demand-pull inflation. On the other hand, are those that aim to aggregate supply as a trigger for inflation, this is what is called cost-push inflation. Finally, there is a group of theorists who understand inflation as the result of social rigidities, this is what is called core inflation.

lectron debit card

Otherwise offered by the Bank
Looking after your money and manage their security
Posted by GROUP 9 at 17:21 0 comments

Bogota bank offered to children who can manage their own money with the help of:

Savings for the future: has ABC, little savings account
disposable income: debit card

Bogota bank offered to all youth as several benefits including:

Debit card for young people aged 15/25 years

Student loan

Vehicle Credit

products offered by banks

lectron debit card

Otherwise offered by the Bank
Looking after your money and manage their security
Posted by GROUP 9 at 17:21 0 comments

Bogota bank offered to children who can manage their own money with the help of:

Savings for the future: has ABC, little savings account
disposable income: debit card

Bogota bank offered to all youth as several benefits including:

Debit card for young people aged 15/25 years

Student loan

Vehicle Credit